Feedback & Complaints
NHS Friends and Family

Let us know what we are doing well
We have a hard working and dedicated team, and we would really appreciate it if you could spare a couple of minutes to tell us what we are doing well (so we can do more of it!)
We are also always striving to improve our service, so if you have and contructive and practical suggestions for us we are always open to receive this. Please also consider signing up to our PPG (Patient Particiation group) PPG sign up form if you feel to be involved in shaping our service and helping our local community.

See the reviews other patients and services users have made about our practice

The GP Patient Survey is an independent survey run by Ipsos MORI on behalf of NHS England. The survey is sent out to over two million people across the UK. The results show how people feel about their GP practice. Visit their “How do I…?” page to learn more or read their FAQ.
More detailed results from the GP Patient Survey are available from the GP Patient Survey website